Monday, April 5, 2010

My One and Only

Who would you say is your one and only? Mine, would have to be the one person whom I have fallen madly in love with over the past 9 months. My one and only is Jason.

Jason and I have been together now for 9 wonderful and crazy months. We've been having the time of our lives so to speak. Spending every waking moment with one another.

Even though, its only been 9 months it seems like an eternity. I waste most of my gas on driving to and from Jason's house. And the same in return when he drives to and from my house.

Our lives are wonderful and finally at peace. But why does it seem like most times I am still missing something very near and dear to my heart. What could it be?

I have everything I could ever hope for in my life. I have a wonderful boyfriend with wondrous love and support. I have a great family with extra love and support. I even have some of the time great friends.

So what is it that I am missing so terribly?

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Thank you and Have a Wonderful Evening/Day!!