Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What are friends "really" good for?

Everyone knows that friends are good for so many reasons!

1. they have a shoulder to cry on!

2. they talk to you when things go sour!

3. they are like family!

4. they sense when you are hurting!

5. they are someone to call when you need to talk!

And then there are times where you wish that you weren't friends at all! I have been having a problem for about a few months now! I have a boyfriend you know Jason! And he is wonderful, that's a fact; but just about a couple of weeks ago. My friends were getting upset with me! Well, I understand why they were getting upset but did they have to go to the ulimate extreme dramatic state!

Well, I don't think so and either did Jason! I mean it was extremely immature! It is great to know that even when I'm trying to do my best to stay in contact and hang out with them especially when I recently started dating a guy who I never thought I would be dating in the first place. I couldn't help it when I had gotten lost in the moment!

I mean my friends wanted to be with us 24/7 and what were we supposed to do just hang out with them and no longer try creating a wonderful relationship with one another. Well, the thing is that one of my friends is also a really good friend of Jason's. I guess it just hurt me that all they cared about was hanging out with Jason and I seperately like I would hang out with my girl friend at her house during the same time that Jason would hang out with his guy friend at a bar or something! But, the truth is both Jason and myself didn't want to hang out with them we wanted to be with each other and I never saw what the whole problem was! We had just started dating only a couple months before this had actually started, them waiting to be with us every hour of every week!

It never made sense because I loved Jason and wanted to make the best of my relationship with him from the very start of it.

So what are friends really good for, if all they do is worry about themselves. What is a person to do when it seems like her friends only care about their problems! And, I think it also has something to do with the fact that neither one of my friends want to leave their houses and hang out with other people instead of Jason and myself!

I just wish that my friends would find some other people to hang out with instead of Jason and I! Like I said, my friends don't have any other social life. All they do is either sit at home playing video games or sitting on the computer all day! They don't get out very much! And my girl friend loves to put a guilt trip in my mind by saying she is heading back to ROCK BOTTOM and she doesn't want me going down with her! The fact is she doesn't get out at all she has bi-polar disorder and depression but does nothing to cure it! All she does everyday is sit at home on the computer or playing video games. She doesn't go out, even if it was to just get some fresh air! She doesn't want to even try and date someone, because she wants a boyfriend she can "box" with and I'm telling you right now their is no guy out in the WORLD that would EVER HIT A FEMALE!

To be honest, she needs to stop and get a life outside in the fresh air!
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