Monday, September 5, 2011

I remember!

As the winds flow through my hair. I remember!
As the cold summer waters touch my toes. I remember!
As the songs of sweet lullabies help me to sleep. I remember!
As the writings of my stories touch hearts. I remember!

I remember! I remember each memory of my life as if someone had written it in a book. I remember when the winds flowed through my hair, calming me ever so gently. I remember the cold summer waters that touched my tiny little toes. making me giggle ever so loudly. I remember the songs of sweet lullabies, putting me to me ever so relaxingly. I remember the writings of my stories, touching many hearts ever so sweetly.

I remember when I was a baby the winds that flowed through my hair, sometimes my mom seemed to think the wind was the one thing that would calm me down when I cried. I remember when I was a baby the cold summer waters of Rocky Neck Beach that made me giggle so loudly, my mom had to pick me up so I was not to disturb others. I remember when my mom used to sing sweet lullabies to me, that put me to sleep at night. I remember when I was a child writing such great stories about my life, describing what I wanted to be when I grew up.

With such great memories like these ones, it's hard to believe that the memories aren't the last of what I will remember. I still have memories to create with Jason. I still have memories to dream up. I still have memories to build; when we have children of our own.

Memories can only be remembered, if you never let them go. If you let go, there will not be anything to remember.

I always used to say this, "If memories are always there to be remembered, then why have pictures, because remembering them for generations to come is the best way to keep them; forever in the mind, body and soul of everyday life." - Erica Renee Goguen

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Thank you and Have a Wonderful Evening/Day!!