Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Life verses The World

I know I make my life seem pretty worthless at times, but when you do the same old things day after day wouldn't you make your life worthless, too.

I'm seriously thinking that in all my years, I have never seen my life go so downward that I actually began to believe that there was nothing more for me to do in my life.

I know I must sound pretty pathetic to all reading my blog, but it's true I haven't got anything in life to look forward to anymore.

Jason and I spend so much time together that even sometimes I feel life with him seems so boring. "That absolutely sounded mean, sorry baby." I love you. Being serious, though it's not all about him that I'm concerned about it's mainly me and my life. The life I want really. I thought by now I would have this luxurious life. Be living in an apartment with Jason, have the best darn Veterinary Assisting job life could ever give me and now. Look nothing, I know I'm doing it again being harsh on myself again. Trust me this life. It's not all it's cracked up to be.

These last couple days I've spent most of my time writing and wondering what is next. I think what I wrote yesterday was true. I think I should be a writer especially if I continue to right like this. I wonder if God put me on this Earth to be difficult, okay maybe not difficult, but how about misunderstood. Yeah, misunderstood is better. Misunderstood because even sometimes I don't fully understand myself.

Here's what I do every time I feel the inspiration to write. I sit in front of a computer and begin to type. And more then half the time I don't have a clue what I'm writing, but when I'm finished it's amazing what comes out of my brain and into my finger tips, allowing me to write such amazing blogs/messages. Most of the times it comes out sounding just like this.

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Thank you and Have a Wonderful Evening/Day!!